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The Morning Makes You

Mtn Dew Rise

In 2021, Mtn Dew launches a new energy drink called RISE. With 180mg of caffeine, zinc and citicoline, it’s a new kind of energy drink designed for your morning brain. That’s why morning is a crucial theme for the campaign.

We know that every morning is a chance to rise. However, no matter how ambitious we are, we always face the same challenge every morning: to rise or to snooze. Based on this insight, we imagine how different life would be for our spokesperson, LeBron James, had he decided to snooze in the morning. We worked with F. Gary Gray to bring this vision to life.

This also marks LeBron James’s 1st campaign for PepsiCo after ending his 18-year partnership with Coca-Cola the year before.


Fast Company : Watching LeBron James salsa dance in this new Mountain Dew ad is the best thing you’ll see today
Forbes : LeBron James Imagines Life With A Snooze Button In New Mtn Dew Rise Campaign
ForTheWin : LeBron showed off his Salsa moves in this Mountain Dew commercial and he’s pretty good
CNBC : LeBron James talks about his new Pepsi deal as he unveils first campaign with Mtn Dew Rise
Muse by Clio : LeBron James, Salsa King, Lives an Alternative Life in Mtn Dew Ad


PR impressions
media impressions in just half a day
484M social impressions in total
$30M net revenue in 2 months
AdAge : Creativity Pick of the Day

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And then this happened a few months later, during the 2021 NBA Playoffs (Hint: look at the left side of the screen)

He was immediately ejected from the game.